Our study areas include: youth employment, increasing enrollment rate of students in vocational high schools, provide quality in education, training of teachers, child labor prevention.
B.E.S.T (Balsu, Ethical, Sustainable, Traceable) Program
The project aims to eliminate child labor among the seasonal migrant agricultural worker families and local children.
In A Nutshell
The project aims to eliminate child labor among the seasonal migrant agricultural worker families and local children.
Elimination of the Child Labor in Seasonal Agriculture Project
“Elimination of Child Labour in Seasonal Agriculture” project aims to contribute to overall policy advocacy and implementation, expansion of knowledge base and improvement of institutional capacity for the elimination of child labor in seasonal agriculture. The project will focus on children engaged in seasonal agricultural work or at-risk and referral to education services together with guidance, counselling and rehabilitation services.
Everyone Included
The project aims to identify the problems experienced by approximately 35 thousand immigrants registered in Sakarya and to help on their urgent needs, as well as to strengthen the harmony between immigrant and local communities in Sakarya. In line with this goal, various actors and stakeholders will be included in the process with a holistic approach.
Support Education
Thousands of children are migrating to various regions of Turkey between April and October for seasonal harvesting of different products. These children are working 12-15 hours a day while deprived of basic needs and can’t continue their education 1/3 of the school year, almost half of them leave school completely. With the pandemic, conditions got more difficult; with lengthening distance education and school closures, the risk of these children separating from education has increased considerably.
Scholarship Project
The Genç Hayat Foundation scholarship was announced to the students identified by the foundation in its studies throughout Turkey and through an open call; It is a scholarship given to students studying in primary and secondary education in Turkey, who meet the application conditions for 9 (nine) months, starting from September to the end of May, in an academic year, whose application has been accepted and whose evaluation has been positive by the Foundation Scholarship Commission.
Last Stop for Child Labour: Eskişehir!
The main objectives of the project are to improve the living conditions of workers in Eskişehir, where seasonal mobile agricultural labor is common, and to prevent child labor for agricultural work intermediaries.
Equal Coding
This Project is carried out in Istanbul with the support of the EMpower Foundation and in partnership with the Kodluyoruz Association and it is the second year of the project. Until today, this project has reached about 500 girls and boys.
Discover, Play, Share!
Discover, Play, Share project aims to promote educational & social cohesion and ensure the wellbeing of Turkish and Refugee children / children under temporary protection.
Let’s Discover!
In the “Let’s Discover!” project which came to life with the support of Swiss Embassy, we aimed to support the development of educational and social cohesion between children from Syria and Turkey .
Girls: Gender-Inclusion-Empowerment
In the last Erasmus + project implemented under the EU program; teenagers from Poland, Turkey, Romania and Germany will meet. In the international meeting young people will think together on gender, inclusion & empowerment by using the fashion theme within the framework of the project.
Building Bridges: III. International Inclusive Dance Festival
It is an Erasmus+ project which is going to be hold in Poland. Dance will be the main tool to create inclusive environment.
Seize Your Dreams Through Sports
Within the scope of the project, the enhancement of the participation of children (which come from low-income families bearing the risk of child labour, who are forced to migrate with their seasonal agricultural migrant families, or who come from refugee families who were forced to migrate to Turkey due to ongoing wars in their countries) in social life by supporting their physical, spiritual and social development, has been targeted.
Beholding Urfa with Youth
Developing the skills of youth, who have been left out of the school system or have failed to attain a profession, for their employment; after connecting youth and local employment opportunities, maintaining their participation in employment; and prevention of youth unemployment, have been targeted.
Education for Children, Employment for Adults!
With this project, it was aimed to find solutions to the problem of child labour in seasonal agriculture, to better the negative life conditions of families on fields who participate in seasonal migration, and to support personal development and education of children.
Project for Prevention of Child Labour
The project has been implemented in order to generate solutions to the issue of child labour in seasonal agriculture by developing common working principles with local administrations.
Neighbourhood Voice
Within the scope of the project implemented with the support of International Medical Corps and partnership of Kucukcekmece Municipality, it has been aimed that the Syrian families who were forced to flee their country due to the war and their children socialise with the local people.
Silent and Invisible Youth – NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
Genç Hayat Foundation conducts the research of Silent and Invisible Youth-NEET to present the reasons of youth in the age group of 15-24 of not being in education, employment or training, and to offer solutions. 120 one-to-one interviews and 24 focus group discussions both with youth and their family members takes place in the research.
Star Kids of Turkey
Following the coup attempt on July 15th, 2016 which was prevented by the Turkish public civil and unarmed in a such a heroic way, as Genc Hayat Foundation we formed Children of July 15th Martyrs: Star Kids of Turkey Project.
Coding Camp
The project has been implemented in order to ensure youth gets acquainted with communication and information technologies in their struggle with unemployment.
Participate to Change
Within the scope of the project, it has been aimed that both the example of England, where the best applications of the youth being involved in decision making processes take place, and its application in Turkey are evaluated.
Fans of Equality
This project is supported by Ministry of Youth and Sports and is aiming at internalizing a violence and hate speech free sports culture shaped by the understanding of gender equality, democracy and ethical values.
High School Youth and Peer Bullying
In the research of High School Youth and Peer Bullying, violence as a social problem was examined in terms of existence, frequency, types of violence among youth and reproduction of violence with different versions.
Freizeitwerk Welper Summer Camp
The program of the summercamp enabled the adolescents to develop ideas on topics such as coexistence and intercultural communication and ensured that values such as fair play, respect and tolerance are implemented into their daily lives.
In A Nutshell (2014 – 2020)
In a Nutshell project mainly put children in the center and established summer schools for both the children of seasonal agricultural workers and local children to keep them away from hazelnut harvest and to provide formal and non-formal education to keep up with their regular education
Watch Out: Youth Crossing
This project has also been implemented for a year now and was also planned to have a three years of application. Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Family and Social Policies are the project partners and World Bank financially supported the first year of its implementation.
Count Me In
This project has been implemented for a year now and was initially planned to have a three years of application. Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Family and Social Policies are the project partners and JP Morgan Chase Foundation financially supported the first year of its implementation.
Soma Support to Social Life After Mine Accident Projects
Genç Hayat Foundation has been having regular visits to the site of the accident since the mine disaster happened, according to detailed evaluations, an action plan has been created that addresses the needs of these people.
The Colour Wheel
Teacher training high shools are mostly boarding schools consisting of students coming from provinces across Turkey. The majority of the graduates of these high schools continue their education in the universities in order to become teachers. Developing the vision of these students in their high schools. Supporting the developments of students as leaders in building their future, will aid them in becoming both a positive example and guide for future students and their families.
Mersin Finds Its Voice
Kentin dönüşümünün ve gündelik hayatının, kentte yaşayanların hikâyeleri üzerinden araştırılması ve keşfedilmesi için hazırlanmış bir sözlü tarih ve kent kültürü/tarihi projesidir.
Youth is on Stage for Gender Equality!
This project will strengthen democratic European citizenship and human rights perception by creating awareness on gender equality among youngsters.
Voices from the Dorms of Anatolia
Girls who live in small districts of Anatolia and want to continue their education after primary school, need to attend high schools in provinces close to their homes and stay in dormitories. Dormitories are designed for basic needs and to provide secure environment. There is a great need of extracurricular activities and social training in terms of the girls social and psychological development.
Study on Domestic Violence Against Children
The study is an activity of the “Prevention of Domestic Violence against Children Project” implemented within the framework of the “Program on Promoting Dialogue among Non-Governmental Organisations” carried out in partnership with the International Children’s Center Association and the Children of Our Future Foundation, and co- nanced by the European Union and the Central Finance and Contracts Unit.
Prevention of Domestic Violence Against Children
The project vas implemented to raise awareness in the community and among NGOs in order to make them concentrate on the domestic violence subject. to draw attention of NGOs and the roof organizations to the subject and be able to discuss the subject in civil society in a more efficient and visible manner,
and to provoke law and policy makers to fill the gaps in the law which does not barely interdict violence against children through advocacy activities.
The Profile of High School Students in İstanbul
This research is a pro le survey on the identities, thoughts, behaviors, problems and needs of the high school students studying in Istanbul, as well as their interactions with their environment. We further this survey with speci c studies on problems and needs, as well as comparative research at national and international levels.
Youth in Action: Equality in, Violance out!
This project will strengthen democratic European citizenship and human rights perception by creating awareness on gender equality among youngsters.
Once Upon a Time in My Street
High school students learn oral history through interviewing 60 years and above people in their district, learn to work with different age groups, experience team work, understand their identity and state of belonging by working through their own neighbourhoods and disctricts.
Parent-Teacher Communication Program
The project has been implemented to improve the communication between parents and teachers.
Service, Activity, and Solidarity
Educational system is not sufficently supporting and activating youth development in terms social responsibilities.
Correct Communications
Adolescence is a period of getting to know oneself, developing an identity, life philosophy and future planning. Conflicts arise from the dynamics of the individual developments of this period. Young people are in the need of expressing themselves, of being recognized as an individual, of being accepted and supported during this time.