Count Me In
Project Dates2014 - 2017
Project FieldAdana, Ankara, İstanbul, İzmir
CollaborationsMinistry of National Education, Ministry of Family and Social Policies, JP Morgan, Garanti Bank
PROJEct summary
This project has been implemented for a year now and was initially planned to have a three years of application. Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Family and Social Policies are the project partners and JP Morgan Chase Foundation financially supported the first year of its implementation.
Target Group
- Girls who study in Vocational and technical Anatolian high schools, families, people in private sector
Project Aims
- It aims at young women between the ages of 11 and 18 who are studying in vocational education high schools. It is a social responsibility project that includes trainings to these young women about their personal development (perception of social identity, development of roles and responsibilities etc.), internalizing gender equality and developing communication skills. They are also supported during their internship-seeking period and are then followed during their internship period by internship place counseling.